Lorehaven Hearth

Lorehaven Hearth - 7. Arcadia and Pandemonium

Seth Burnham Season 2 Episode 7

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 At Lorehaven Hearth, we will be completing a Grand Tour of the Dungeons and Dragons multiverse, one or two Planes at a time. From the Material Plane, to the Elemental Planes; and from the Heavens to the Hells, we'll discuss the denizens, environment, creatures, and lore to be found. And with Celina's help, we'll discuss Pathfinder's Planes a bit, too!

Join us at the table for our nerdy banter and story swapping, then head back to your RPG gaming tables, newly equipped with the information you learn and the ideas that it sparks. We strive to engage you with immersive storytelling, and full soundscapes, as well as inspire you to expand your own storytelling; whether that be as the GM, with your beloved PCs, as a writer or an artist, or anything else you can think of! 

In this episode of Lorehaven Hearth, Seth and Celina begin discussions of the Lesser Heavens and Hells, with first the ordered and plentiful Plane of Arcadia, then the anything-but-orderly Plane of Pandemonium. Judge for yourself which one is worse... Celina and Seth give a brief description and history, cover how to travel to, within, and out (if ever that be achieved), and toss out some ideas of how to use this building block in your own story. And of course, there's a description of some of the (terrifying) creatures you may (not want to) meet there. 

Thank you for sticking around with us, and please enjoy this episode. Season 2 is gettin' to the good stuff now, with big plans to come yet. Watch for episode to drop on "dee-20-eth" of each month, with bonus content coming to you on other fitting days, whenever we have it ready. Please Rate Faith, Family, and Fairy Tales; that one action is how The Algorithm is programed to work most and best. Please Subscribe so you don't have to keep finding us on your own. We would love to know what you think of how we're doing, so please write a Review, to go along with your Rating. But most of all, tell your gaming friends and fellow adventurers about us, so they too can join our Grand Tour of the Planes!    

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