Lorehaven Hearth
A discussion between two Christian nerds about the nerdiest stuff we can think of including, D&D, SCI-FI, the superhero genre, etc. We try to incorporate humor, imaginative storytelling and a good ole fashion ribbing to make the listening experience a whole lot of fun!
Podcasting since 2024 • 27 episodes
Lorehaven Hearth
Latest Episodes
Second Wind: Arcadia and Pandemonium
As usual now, here's the tangents from the discussion Celina and Seth, and Morgan, had about Arcadia and Pandemonium. Want to know which of Celina's sisters is her favorite? Listen to find out!
Season 2

Lorehaven Hearth - 7. Arcadia and Pandemonium
At Lorehaven Hearth, we will be completing a Grand Tour of the Dungeons and Dragons multiverse, one or two Planes at a time. From the Material Plane, to the Elemental Planes; and from the Heavens to the Hells, we'll discuss the denizens, ...
Season 2
Episode 7

Legend Lore at Lorehaven: Gith War
These d6th episodes are basically becoming a thing! Here's a fully sound-scaped narration of the Gith War; a different take on one of the topics from our Deck of Mini Things Episode last month.
Season 2

Gith Wars and Orcus and Games; Oh My! - Deck of Mini Things 1
It's a Deck of "Mini" Things! Celina and Morgan sit down to briefly discuss a few topics that wouldn't quite fill out a full episode, or that don't fit in the current season theme, but that have been requested by you, the li...
Season 2

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