Lorehaven Hearth
A discussion between two Christian nerds about the nerdiest stuff we can think of including, D&D, SCI-FI, the superhero genre, etc. We try to incorporate humor, imaginative storytelling and a good ole fashion ribbing to make the listening experience a whole lot of fun!
Lorehaven Hearth
Gith Wars and Orcus and Games; Oh My! - Deck of Mini Things 1
It's a Deck of "Mini" Things! Celina and Morgan sit down to briefly discuss a few topics that wouldn't quite fill out a full episode, or that don't fit in the current season theme, but that have been requested by you, the listeners.
The Gith War was mentioned during the Limbo discussion; Orcus will come up in the Pandemonium discussion next month; and Christians and RPGs in general is a topic always on our hearts and minds, and we wanted to share that with you. Seth and Season 1 co-host Monty kind of gave their Storytelling Philosophy back in Season 1 - you can find that episode if you want a refresher - so we thought we'd give you our take, sort of, here and now.
We realized after we were done that Celina promised other sources of information on the Gith War, but didn't call any out! Whoops! So, here are a few for that.
- https://archive.org/details/tsr02022manualoftheplanes
- https://archive.org/details/mordenkainen-presents-monsters-of-the-multiverse-dungeon-dragons-book-ocr/page/n2/mode/1up
- https://anyflip.com/fgoih/bsfa/basic/51-100
- https://archive.org/details/planeabovesecret0000hein/mode/1up
As mentioned in Topic II, here is the information on the magazine Celina referenced: https://planescape.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_Gods
And as always, Share, Rate, and tell friends about our podcast. We mentioned several other things we might want to do in other Deck episodes, but we really want to hear what you'd want us to research for you!